Be an expert in IoT and LPWAN technologies

Become our partner and offer technologically advanced solutions under your own brand.

Why be a partner

Why become HARDWARIO partner

Innovative products

You will work with technologically advanced products that are easy to install and manage.

Personal support

We will help you with technology, marketing and business.

Guaranteed margin

As our partner, you know what you're up to. We actively manage the partner program in order to maintain the agreed margin.

Typical use cases

Your products for your projects

Thanks to our multifunctional modular system, you build your own solution for your projects in industry and households. They are most often used in the following areas:

Predictive maintenance
Monitoring the productivity of machines and people
Optimization in logistics and purchasing
Environmental monitoring

Get familiar with our products

We educate our partners and the general public through learning materials, webinars and seminars. We present current trends and teach how to work with our products and integrations.


Your products for your projects

Start the journey

Be expert in IoT and LPWAN technologies with us

Fill out the form and we will send you the partnership procedure immediately.

Alternatively, you can book a free 30-minute consultation of your project.

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